Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
of the Holy Face
Entries in Therese Burning with Love (1)
The Exhibit "Therese: Burning with Love" will be at World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro
The Carmel of Lisieux announced today that the exhibit "Therese: Burning with Love" is coming to the New World. This beautiful exhibit, which drew seven million visitors at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris last summer, has continued its travels in Europe. After Paris, Caen, and Geneva, the beautiful city of Turin has the joy of welcoming it. But "the greatest saint of modern times" has other ideas: the exhibition will be at World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro this summer. This is very natural, since St. Therese is co-patron of World Youth Day, with Pier Giorgio Frasatti.
The mission of the exhibit "Therese: Burning with Love" is to reach people in distress. The exhibit should also be displayed in a favela (a shantytown) in Brazil. If the local authorities accept it, a copy of the exhibition will stay in Rio and tour several Brazilian cities. We confide this beautiful project to your prayers.
(Translated courtesy of the Web site of the Carmel of Lisieux).