Selected Films about St. Therese of Lisieux

For purchase:

For several superb films you can buy, please see Films about St. Therese of Lisieux

Excellent free online films:

  • "Pilgrimage Visit to St. Therese and Her Family," a 9:03 photo show created by Susan Ehlert.  This is a lovely visit to the places associated St. Therese knew at Lisieux: her family home and other places associated with the Martin and Guerin families; St. Pierre's Cathedral; the Carmelite monastery; and many artefacts that were part of St. Therese's environment.  Excellent captions and a lovely sound track of the chant of Therese's poem "Vivre d'Amour" ("Living by Love") enhance this film, which was the fruit of many visits to Lisieux.  I recommend it to those who want a visual accompaniment to Therese's story; to those who wish to make a virtual pilgrimage; and to those preparing to visit Lisieux.

les buissonnets, maison familiale de sainte... by sanctuaire_lisieux

  • "Visit to St. Therese's Carmelite convent in Lisieux," a 6:25 photo show created by Susan Ehlert based on her October 2008 visit to Lisieux.  This meditative show includes the Carmelite chapel and the tomb of St. Therese together with the small museum on the grounds of the Carmel. It features close-up photos of Therese's habit, many objects she used at Carmel, and other artefacts.
  • A series of six short (four-minute) meditiative videos created by the Carmel of Lisieux to allow you to visit the places Therese knew at Carmel:

The entrance to the monastery, with a close-up view of the enclosure door Therese crossed on April 9, 1888:

Entrance of the monastery from Carmel de Lisieux on Vimeo.

The Carmelite choir where Therese spent hours each day in personal and communal prayer and participating in the Mass:

Choir from Carmel de Lisieux on Vimeo.

The recreation room (the "heated room") where the nuns gathered twice a day in winter for the period in which they were free to speak.  In Therese's time the fireplace here was the only source of heat in the monastery.  Summer recreeations sometimes took place outdoors in the chestnut walk.


The inner courtyard (1:35):

Inner courtyard from Carmel de Lisieux on Vimeo.

Therese's last cell, which she occupied from just before Celine's entrance on September 14, 1894 until she was taken to the infirmary on July 8, 1897:

Therese's cell from Carmel de Lisieux on Vimeo.

The infirmary where Therese entered into life on September 30, 1897:

Therese's infirmary from Carmel de Lisieux on Vimeo.