Support "Saint Therese of Lisieux: A Gateway"

"Saint Therese of Lisieux: A Gateway" is a labor of love, the work of an American laywoman who has a full-time job.  I maintain the site in my evening and weekend time.  To keep it ad-free, I have financed it with my salary from my day job.  My ministry of educating people about St. Therese and her spirituality receives no Church funding, but many people have contributed generously by permitting me to display their writings and photographs here.  I want to accomplish much more to make St. Therese and her gentle Jesus known and loved, and I invite you to be partners with me.  Please see below for ways to support this online apostolate.   Thank you.

Maureen O'Riordan

  •  To order books and resources about St. Therese and the Martin family, please visit my bookstore for St. Therese and the Martin family
  •  To volunteer to promote the site, contribute content, do research, be an administrative assistant, or write book reviews, please click on "E-mail me" at the bottom left of the navigation column.
  • If you are fluent in French and would be willing to contribute a few hours to editing or translating, please e-mail me.
  •  Visit and "like" the site's Facebook page.  

Thank you.