Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
of the Holy Face
Entries in pilgrimage (2)
Fr. Jim Kubicki, S.J. leads a Sacred Heart pilgrimage to France: some Theresian sites
As it's summer, I thought you'd like to know that Fr. James Kubicki, S.J., director of the Apostleship of Prayer in the United States, is now leading a "Sacred Heart pilgrimage" to various holy places in France. From Paris he tweeted this photo of the shrine to St. Therese at the Church of Our Lady of Victories, where she prayed fervently before leaving on her pilgrimage to Rome and where she received the grace of realizing that it was really the Blessed Virgin who had cured her of a serious illness when she was ten.
Our Lady of Victories Church in Paris. We have arrived on pilgrimage in France.
— James Kubicki, S.J. (@frjkubickisj) June 21, 2014
Fr. Kubicki and his group also visited the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Montmartre, where Therese and the other pilgrims attended Mass on Sunday, November 6, 1887 in the crypt, the only part of the Basilica then completed. In the Basilica the pilgrims were all consecrated to the Sacred Heart before leaving Paris the next day.
Sacred Heart Basilica in Paris where Eucharistic adoration is 24/7 since 1885.
— James Kubicki, S.J. (@frjkubickisj) June 21, 2014

A novena of gifts for the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux - Day Two
Susan Ehlert's four-minute photo show "A Pilgrimage Visit to St. Therese's birthplace, Alencon"
Scroll to the fourth video on the page. You will see many photos of Therese's birth house, 36 Rue Saint Blaise, Alencon, as it appeared before the restoration of 2008, and of the garden.