Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
of the Holy Face
Entries in photographs of bombing of Lisieux (1)
163 photographs of Lisieux after the bombing of June 1944
Thanks to the Mediatheque de Lisieux and Photos Normandie, we can mark the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Lisieux (August 23, 1944) with this show of 163 photographs of Lisieux taken after the bombing of June 1944. See several photos of the ruins of the Benedictine Abbey where Therese made her First Communion; photos of the rue du Livarot, on which the Carmel is located; and the destruction of three-quarters of the city. These photos give you an idea of the horrific destruction and of the ruins seen by Therese's sisters and the other Carmelites when, on the evening of June 7, 1944, they were obliged to leave their monastery and climb up to the Basilica to seek refuge, with other civilians,in the crypt. May these images of destruction inspire us to pray for peace today.