Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
of the Holy Face
Entries in Joan of Arc Accomplishing Her Mission (1)
125 years ago with St. Therese: Therese plays the role of St. Joan in her play "Joan of Arc Accomplishing Her Mission" on January 21, 1895
January 21, 1895, the feast of St. Agnes, was the feast-day in Carmel of Therese's sister, Mother Agnes of Jesus (Pauline Martin), who was then prioress. It was the custom for the community to celebrate the feast day of the prioress with special festivities, in which the novices played a leading role. For Mother Agnes's feast in 1894, Therese had already written and produced her first play about Joan of Arc, The Mission of Joan of Arc, or The Shepherdess of Domremy Listening to Her Voices. At the end of 1894, for the community's Christmas recreation, Therese wrote and produced her second play, The Angels at Jesus' Manger. Just three weeks later, for Mother Agnes's feast, she produced a second play about Joan: Joan of Arc Accomplishing Her Mission.
Since Celine had just entered in September 1894, four of the five Martin daughters were together again, and Celine played the role of St. Catherine. By accident, the scene of Joan's martyrdom became a little too realistic: Celine testified that Therese "was almost burned alive when a fire accidentally broke out. Upon Mother Prioress’ order not to move whilst others strove to extinguish the fire around her, she remained calm and still amid the danger, offering to God the sacrifice of her life," as she told Celine later. (Celine's testimony in the Apostolic Process). The community received this play with enthusiasm, and for perhaps the first time Therese, who played Joan, was considered something of a "star" among the Carmelites, but she understood even better, as a result, the futility of human praise.
The text of the play is online thanks to the Web site of the Archives of the Carmel of Lisieux and the generosity of the Washington Province of Discalced Carmelite Friars. For a full understanding of Therese's plays I strongly recommend consulting the book The Plays of St. Therese of Lisieux, for its General Introduction by Bishop Guy Gaucher, O.C.D. and the individual introductions to each play will greatly enrich your understanding of these least known of Therese's writings.