Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
of the Holy Face
Entries in In Search of the Little Flower (1)
For the feast of St. Therese, the documentary "In Search of the Little Flower: Saint Therese of Lisieux" by Sancta Familia Media. October 1, 2019
For the feast of St. Therese, I have the pleasure of sharing with you the documentary "In Search of the Little Flower: Therese of Lisieux," produced for the September 2019 visit of the relics of St. Therese to Scotland by two brilliant young filmmakers, Brian Anthony Timmons and J. P. Mallon, of Sancta Familia Media in Scotland. This free documentary, an hour long, fulfills a dream I have had for many years.
In the bleak days of February, I suddenly learned from their post that Fr. Grant and Brian and J. P. had just arrived in France to film a documentary about the Martin family and about St. Therese as a tool to help the people prepare for the historic first visit of the relics of St. Therese to Scotland in September. Inspired by their bold vision and their willingness to post the documentary online for all to view for free, I had the joy of writing to them throughout their stay in France with suggestions for sites to visit and what to film there. The generous cooperation of the staffs of the Shrines at Alencon and Lisieux allowed them to capture all the footage needed for an outstanding film. Their later work in Scotland produced it.
On this feast day, being occupied with caring for a beloved family member who is seriously ill (for whom I ask your prayers), I can write no more. But, thanks to God; Fr. Jim; Brian and J. P.; and all their collaborators (some of whom you will meet in the film), I have the joy of sharing their gift with you. May St. Therese bless you on her feast.