Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
of the Holy Face
Entries in death of St. Therese (2)
Make a virtual pilgrimage to the infirmary where St. Therese of Lisieuxdied on September 30, 1897
Infirmerie VF from Carmel de Lisieux on Vimeo.
At 7:20 p.m. on September 30, 1897, 119 years ago, St. Therese died in a little infirmary on the ground floor of the Carmelite monastery in Lisieux. In honor of the anniversary of her death, visit this little room courtesy of the film, and, while there, pray for your special intentions and for the dying, that they may enter into life with Therese.

What happened immediately after the death of St. Therese of Lisieux? October 1, 2016
This article contains information about:
- how Therese laughingly rehearsed her own funeral
- why Therese's body was laid out in an old, worn-out cap
- how Leonie arranged for the habit, cape, veils, and sandals Therese had worn to be saved
- how another pair of sandals were deliberately destroyed
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