Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
of the Holy Face
Entries in contemporaries of St. Therese (1)
A photo album of those who knew St. Therese at Lisieux
As a special gift for the feast of St. Therese, I have created this photo album of those who knew her at Lisieux. These photos of the Guerin family and their relatives; priests who knew Therese; her tutor, Mme. Papinau; and others who knew Therese at Lisieux were displayed at an exposition at St. Jacques Church (now a municipal exhibit hall) in Lisieux in 2009. I am most grateful to the photographers, Peter and Liane Klostermann, for the gift of these photos, and to the Pilgrimage Office at Lisieux for permitting me to display them here.
Posted on Friday, October 1, 2010 at 12:40AM
Maureen O'Riordan
in Madame Papinau, contemporaries of St. Therese, photos
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