Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
of the Holy Face
Entries in Carmelites of Montmartre (1)
St. Therese of Lisieux at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Montmartre in Paris
Photo credit: Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Paris.
On Friday, November 4, 1887, Therese and Celine Martin and their father, Louis, left Lisieux for Paris. There they joined a pilgrimage organized by the diocese of Coutances, including pilgrims from their own diocese of Bayeux and Lisieux, who were traveling to Rome to honor the priestly jubilee of Pope Leo XIII. To honor the anniversary of this historic moment, the Basilica of the Sacred Heart is welcoming the relics of St. Therese from October 31 to November 6, 2013.
Visit of Relics of St. Therese to Basilica du Sacre-Coeur, Montmartre, Paris
October 31-November 6, 2013
Thursday, October 31
The welcome of the relics of St. Therese (until November 6) for the 126th anniversary of the visit of St. Therese herself to the basilica. She came on November 6, 1887 on her way to Rome on pilgrimage.
6:00 p.m. Evening Prayer for the Vigil of All Saints. Welcome of the reliquary and Mass for the Vigl of All Saints.
Friday, November 1
Time of veneration of the relics at 10:15 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., and 5:00 p.m.
Mass of the Solemnity of All Saints at 11 a.m., Cardinal Andre VINGT-TROIS, celebrant, in the presence of the relics of St. Therese.
2:15 p.m. Conference: “Praying to Jesus with Therese and all the Saints”
4:00 p.m. Vespers of All Saints
9:00 p.m. Vigil of adoration with St. Therese
Saturday, November 2
Day of prayer for All Souls in the presence of the relics of St. Therese
11:15 a.m. Mass for the dead
Times of prayer for the dead throughout the day
Sunday, November 3
Mgr Renauld de Dinechin, Auxiliary Bishop of Paris, will celebrate Solemn Mass at 11:00 a.m.
At 2:00 p.m., a conference “In this Year of Faith, To Believe with Therese” presented by Mgr de Dinechin.
Monday, November 4
Veneration of the relics of St. therese
Tuesday, November 5
For the anniversary of the visit of St. Therese to the Basilica in 1887; Evening of prayer in the presence of the relics of St. Therese
Wednesday, November 6
The relics of St. Therese depart the Basilica after Morning Prayer at 8 a.m.
The Basilica will be open each day from 6 a.m. until 11 p.m. with four Masses daily. Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer, Office of Readings, Midday Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer) will be prayed each day. Confessions will be heard daily 10 a.m.-12 noon; 2:30-6 p.m., and 8:15-9:45 p.m.
Thanks to the Web site of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Paris, translated by Mary Davidson.
The Basilica is staffed by Benedictine nuns. There is also a Carmelite monastery on Montmartre.