Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

of the Holy Face

Entries in canonization of St. Therese (1)

The 89th anniversary of the canonization of St. Therese of Lisieux on May 17, 1925


Although we have since become accustomed to the canonization of persons in living memory, in the time of St. Therese's canonization it was unheard of.  She was canonized only twenty-eight years after her death, the fastest canonization of modern times.  Had she lived to see it, she would have been only 54 years old.

 Celebrate her canonization by:

  • Reading the Bull of the Canonization of St. Therese by Pope Pius XII, a letter which begins "Vehemently do we exult today, and we are filled with the greatest joy . . ."
  • Reading the Homily of Pope Pius XI at the Mass of Canonization of St. Therese.

    Excerpt:  Therefore do We desire earnestly that all the Faithful of Christ should render themselves worthy of partaking in the abundant profusion of graces resulting from the intercession of "little Thérèse." But We desire much more earnestly that all the faithful should study her in order to copy her, becoming children themselves, since otherwise they cannot, according to the oracle of the Master, arrive at the Kingdom of Heaven.

    If the way of spiritual childhood became general, who does not see how easily would be realized the reformation of human society which We set ourselves to accomplish at the commencement of our Pontificate, and more especially in the promulgation of this Jubilee.1 We, therefore, adopt as our own the prayer of the new Saint Thérèse with which she ends her invaluable autobiography: "O Jesus, we beseech Thee to cast Thy glance upon the vast number of little souls, and to choose in this world a legion of little victims worthy of Thy love." Amen.
  • Read online a short and vivid description of the canonization of St. Therese from John Beevers' book Storm of Glory.  Thanks to Hathitrust for digitizing it.  Beevers mentions that Pope Pius XII, who canonized St. Therese, told Cardinal Dougherty, in his audience in the afternon, that it was the happiest day of the Pope's llife.