Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
of the Holy Face
Entries in beatification of Louis and Zelie Martin (4)
Televised live, an historic program at Alencon to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the beatification of Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin
Icon by Paul Orlando for the Parish of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel in Trieste, Italy. Displayed on "Saint Therese of Lisieux: A Gateway" with permission of Fr. Antonio Sangalli, O.C.D.
On Saturday, October 18, at 2:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (8:30 p.m. in France), the diocese of Sees will broadcast live online the program "Toward Canonization," which is being held in the Basilica of Notre-Dame at Alencon, where Louis and Zelie were married and Therese was baptized. Watch it on the WebTV channel of the diocese of Sees..
The program is to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the beatification of Louis and Zelie Martin.
- Bishop Hacques Habert, bishop of Seez, will introduce it.
- Mgr Bernard Lagoutte, former rector of the basilica of St. Therese at Lisieux, will review the progress of the cause of the canonization of Zelie and Louis.
- Walter and Adele Schiliro, the parents of the child Pietro whose healing at the intercession of Louis and Zelie Martin was accepted as the miracle for their beatification, and Dr. Paterlini, a medical expert on Pietro's case, give their testimony. Find out all that you've always wanted to know about what a canonization is, what a miracle is, but have never had the occasion to ask.
The program is in French, but I believe it will excite persons of all languages. Please watch it at
I remember so vividly, five years ago this evening, being present at that very basilica in Alencon at the Pontifical Mass on the vigil of the Mass for the beatification of Louis and Zelie Martin at Lisieux.
If you missed the live broadcast, please watch the video:
- Revisit the beatification of Louis and Zelie Martin
- Read about the miracle which is being examined by the Vatican for the canonizaton of Zelie and Louis Martin

October 19: Here is the link to watch the televised program Live in honor of the fifth anniversary of the beatification of Louis and Zelie Martin; I'm so sorry I forgot to post it before. Enjoy this historic show!
October 20: If you missed the live broadcast, please watch the video above. Thanks to the diocese of Seez for putting this online so quickly!

Resources for the fifth feast of Louis and Zelie Martin, July 12, 2013
Zelie and Louis Martin
For the fifth feast of Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin, I present a cornucopia of different resources to learn, teach, and celebrate their lives and sanctity:
Books - gifts for the feast of Louis and Zelie Martin
A photo gallery of Louis and Zelie Martin
Yesterday, July 10, Fr. James Kubicki, national director of the Apostleship of Prayer and a great friend of Therese, appeared on a call-in show for spiritual direction, "The Inner Life" on Relevant Radio. He spoke about the importance of family prayer and used Louis and Zelie as the theme.
a litany to Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin
a novena to Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin
a prayer to Louis and Zelie for spouses
Finally, almost all the resources the site offers for Louis and Zelie can be seen at the oages below, which contain many beautiful films, photos, and articles.:
The lives of Louis and Zelie Martin

Apostolic Letter of Pope Benedict XVI declaring Louis Martin and Zelie Guerin blessed
As we approach the first liturgical feast of Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin on July 12, 2009, I am happy to present my English translation of the Apostolic Letter of Pope Benedict XVI declaring them blessed and establishing the feast on the anniversary of their wedding. I had the joy of hearing this letter proclaimed during the Mass of Beatification in the Basilica of St. Therese at Lisieux.
fulfilling the wishes of our brothers
Pierre Auguste Pican, bishop of Bayeux and Lisieux,
and Jean-Claude Boulanger, bishop of Sées,
and the wishes expressed by many Brothers in the Episcopate
and by a multitude of the faithful,
after having consulted the Congregation for the Causes of Saints,
by virtue of our Apostolic Authority,
that the Venerable Servants of God
lay persons, spouses, and parents,
who, strengthened by the sacrament of marriage
and the example of the Family of Nazareth,
have testified to their love for God, for the Virgin Mary,
for the poor, and for the missions,
and consecrated themselves diligently to their children,
among whom we count St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus,
are now to be called Blessed,
and that their feast may be celebrated each year on July 12,
the date of the anniversary of their marriage,
in the place and following the procedures established by law.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Given in Rome, at Saint Peter’s,
October 15 in the year of the Lord 2008,
the fourth year of Our Pontificate.
Benedict XVI, Pope.
translated by Maureen O’Riordan for

"Pilgrimage to the Beatification of Blessed Zelie and Louis Martin: Alencon and Lisieux, 2008" - a film by Susan Ehlert
With thanks to Susan Ehlert, I am happy to present her seven-minute photo show of the events of the week of the beatification of Louis and Zelie Martin, the parents of St. Therese in October 2008. Join us as we tour the places Louis and Zelie knew in Alencon. Glimpse the historic exhibit of the belongings of the Martin family at St. Jacques Church in Lisieux. See the renovated Carmelite monastery and the souvenirs of St. Therese. Watch the events of Beatification Sunday. Visit the garden of the house in Rue Labbey, Lisieux, where Blessed Louis lived for the last two years of his life. Scroll down a little on the page to find the photo show.