Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

of the Holy Face

Entries in April 9 1888 (2)

Three-minute video of the entrance to the Carmelite Monastery of Lisieux - Therese entered April 9, 1888

Thanks to the Carmelites of Lisieux, in this video you can see the monastery Therese entered, the garden, the cloister (with the same Cross, but not the same corpus, in the courtyard), and the door to the enclosure, located in the sacristy, which opened to receive Therese on the morning of April 9, 1888.  Cross the threshold with her and ask her to beg God for the graces you need in the transitions of your own life.

Entrée du monastère from Carmel de Lisieux on Vimeo.

Sketches of St. Therese entering Lisieux Carmel on April 9, 1888 - from the Web site of the Archives of the Carmel of Lisieux

After I published the photo essay of St. Therese entering Carmel, I discovered at the Web site of the Archives of the Carmel of Lisieux  the section "St. Therese's Life in Pictures" (103 documents, many never published before, depicting sixty scenes in Therese's life).  I post below several sketches of Therese's entrance day.  At the Archives site the images are a little bigger and are accompanied by text from Therese and some details; to visit them there, please click on the images below.

The Martin and Guerin families approach the chapel of the Carmel on the day of Therese's entrance. By Charles Jouvenot.


Therese has just stepped into the enclosure. Her father is outside with Canon Delatroette.

Therese's first moments in the enclosure. Unused sketch.

Note: to see the above sketch at the Archives site, click on the image above.  Then click on the highlighted word "sketch' on the page where you land.