Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
of the Holy Face
Entries in Adolphe Roulland (2)
"Praying for Priests with St. Therese of Lisieux," by Maureen O'Riordan, published by the Catholic Truth Society in Great Britain
In honor of the Year of the Priest and the historic first visit of the relics of St. Therese to England and Wales, I wrote the booklet "Praying for Priests with St. Therese," which the Catholic Truth Society has just published in Great Britain. Here Therese tells the story of her apostolate of prayer for priests, and we read excerpts from her letters to seminarian Maurice Belliere and mission priest Adolphe Roulland, the two young men to whom she was a "spiritual sister." The booklet includes an apostolic novena to St. Therese composed of excerpts from her letters to her two priest-brothers. This novena may be offered for any intention. This booklet is an easy way to read the most powerful excerpts of her inspiring letters to the two young men.
From the cover:
"St. Therese of Lisieux loved the priesthood and consecrated herself for priests, calling herself "an apostle to apostles." She did not pray for priests for their sake only, but out of love for the souls they were to serve. She prayed for the priest in solidarity with Jesus in the Eucharist, with Mary, with the Church, and with the world, and offered her life for their apostolic ministry. In this Year for Priests, Therese can lead us to share in this work of prayer by means of the special Novena for Priests included here, composed entirely of excerpts from the critical edition of her letters to a priest and a seminarian."
6/15/21: The booklet is now availble in Kindle, no longer in hard copy. To order it in Kindle format, click on the image in the comment below. Thank you!

I'm proud and grateful that this booklet remained in print in hard copy for ten years. Now it is available in Kindle, and only in Kindle. Readers worldwide can access it immediately without any need to worry about shipping. To order it, please click on the image in this comment.
Full disclosure: if you buy it through this affiliate link, a small percentage of your purchase price will support this Web site.

St. Therese of Lisieux and the Year of the Priest 2009
Available in a Kindle Version at Amazon
Today, on the feast of the Sacred Heart in 2009, Pope Benedict XV inaugurates at Vespers the year of the priest. St. Therese of Lisieux is uniquely suited to accompany us this year as we pray for the renewal of the priesthood. My booklet "Praying for Priests with St. Therese of Lisieux," published by the Catholic Truth Society, tells the story of her apostolate of prayer for priests. She consecrated her life to priests, to be "the apostle of the apostles." Beginning by believing that priests were "purer than crystal," she was quickly disillusioned, but she reacted generously. She embraced the vocation of praying for the spiritual renewal and the mission of priests. And she was drawn to that vocation by understanding the human weakness and sinfulness of priests.
In the Martin family, priests were held in great esteem. Therese's sister Celine said "They seemed like gods to us." Louis Martin had such reverence for priests that, though he entertained his confessor at dinner formally once a year and gave dinners for the clergy when his daughters made their religious professions, he did not otherwise invite priests to his home, thinking the honor too great for him. The clergy respected this reserve so much that, when Pauline spent two years making an alb for a local priest and he came out to Les Buissonnets to thank her, he hesitated at the door and finally turned away without knocking. Therese, as a child, knew priests mostly at the altar and in the confessional. In her early teens, she was moved to pray for sinners like the assasin Pranzini, not for priests.
But just before she entered the Carmelite monastery, Therese made a pilgrimage to Rome sponsored by several French dioceses. Seventy-five of the pilgrims were priests. In "Story of a Soul" Therese writes that their company helped her to understand the vocation of Carmel:
"The scond experience I had relates to priests. Having never lived close to them, I was not able to understand the principal aim of the Reform of Carmel. To pray for sinners attracted me, but to pray for the souls of priests whom I believed to be as pure as crystal seemed puzzling to me!
I understood my vocation in Italy and that's not going too far in search of such useful knowledge.I lived in the company of many saintly priests for a month and I learned that, although their dignity raises them above the angels, they are nevertheless weak and fragile men. If holy priests, whom Jesus in His gospel calls "the salt of the earth," show in their conduct their extreme need for prayers, what is to be said of those who are tepid? Didn't Jesus say too: "If the salt loses its savor, wherewith will it be salted?"
How beautiful is the vocation, O Mother, which has as its aim the preservation of the salt destined for souls! This is Carmel's vocation since the sole purpose of our prayers and sacrifices is to be the apostle of the apostles. We are to pray for them while they are preaching to souls, through their words and especially through their example. I must stop here, for were I to continue I would never come to an end!" (Story of a Soul, tr. John Clarke, O.C.D. Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications, 1988, p. 122. Used with permission).
Therese consecrated herself more and more for priests, urging her novices to pray for them. Throughout the Year of the Priest I will write more about the priests Therese knew; about her apostolate of prayer for priests; about her special interest in the former Carmelite Hyacinthe Loyson, who had left the Church; and about her spiritual sisterhood with seminarian Maurice Belliere and missionary priest Adolphe Roulland. You can read more about Therese's mission to priests at this page. To begin the Year of the Priest I want to say that, if Therese lost her illusions about priests from seeing them eat too well or pray too little on a luxury pilgrimage, she still can accompany us as we face the much greater challenge of continuing to love Jesus and the Church in the face of the clergy sex abuse scandal, especially the most recent revelations of abuse by those representing the Church in Ireland. Therese never lost faith that the priesthood could be as Jesus envisioned it. And she prayed for priests not for their own sake, but for the sake of those God calls them to serve: "Our mission as Carmelites is to form evangelical workers who will save thousands of souls whose mothers we shall be."
For the Year of the Priest, let's pray that we may at once love our priest-brothers in their humanity and call them to fulfill their vocation. Let's take as our motto the words Therese wrote to her sister Celine on New Year's Eve 1889:
"Let us convert souls; this year, we must form many priests who love Jesus and who handle Him with the same tenderness with which Mary handled Him in His cradle."
Update June 27, 2020: I'm delighted that this booklet stayed in print for at least ten years, courtesy of the Catholic Truth Society. Although it's not presently available as a printed booklet, readers all over the world can now order it as an e-book through Amazon. If you do not have a Kindle device, you can read it on other devices. For more information or to purchase, click the booklet cover above. Note that purchases made through this link support this Web site.