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125 years ago with St. Therese: she offered herself to Merciful Love, June 9, 1895

On June 9, 1895, St. Therese, then a 22-year-old professed nun in the Carmel of Lisieux, was suddenly inspired to offer herself as a victim to the Merciful Love of God.  Two days later she expressed the offering in a written prayer, the critical edition of which is one of the gems of the book The Prayers of Saint Therese of Lisieux (see right).   This offering was one of the greatest graces of her short life.

  • Where was Therese when she was inspired to offer herself?
  • What did she do immediately afterward?
  • Who were the first persons she told about it?
  • What did she write about "that happy day?"
  • What words did she use to formulate the prayer later?
  • What happened on June 11?  Where?

To find out:  

Posted on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 09:21PM by Registered CommenterMaureen O'Riordan | CommentsPost a Comment

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