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Feast of Blessed Louis Martin to be celebrated at Alencon, France on July 29, 2012

On July 29, 2012 the feast of Blessed Louis Martin will be celebrated in Alencon.  The liturgical feast of Blessed Louis and Zelie is on July 12.  The anniversary of his death on July 29 will be celebrated in Alencon with a Mass, Eucharistic adoration, Vespers, and a conference:


10:30 a.m. - Mass at the Basilica of Notre-Dame; Mgr Habert, bishop of Sees, presides.


2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Eucharistic adoration in the chapel of the House of the Martin Family, 50 rue Saint Blaise; exposition of the relics of Blessed Louis and Zelie.

4:30 - Vespers


5:00 p.m. - Conference - "The link between Franciscan spirituality and the Martin family," presented by a member of the Franciscan family at the House of the Martin Family on rue Saint-Blaise.

Posted on Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 07:06AM by Registered CommenterMaureen O'Riordan | CommentsPost a Comment

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